domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Power of the dwarf rabbits

Rabbits are herbivores 100% so its power should be based on all kinds of vegetables, fruit, fodder, hay, ... complemented with some specific feed for dwarf rabbits.

It is preferable to divide the food into several doses to better control our rabbit's diet, especially when fresh vegetables and fruits

Feeding dwarf rabbits should be varied, based on four essential food types: dwarf rabbits feed, hay, vegetables and fruits.

-Think for dwarf rabbits. It is important that the feed special dwarf rabbits and rabbit farm, as this comes prepared for fattening. The feed should not be the basis of their diet, but a supplement.

-Hay. Rabbits should always have hay available as this is an essential nutrient for digestion and to wear down their teeth.

-Vegetables. For our rabbit has all the essential nutrients to stay healthy it is important to provide a varied diet of vegetables like broccoli, peppers, spinach, carrot, parsley, green beans, peppers and endive.

-Fruit. It also can give fruit but in small quantities because it contains too many sugars. They can give almost all kinds of fruit: strawberries, cherries, apples, pears, peach and orange.

Dwarf rabbits always have to be available to fresh, clean water, especially in summer. Drinking fountains are the most suitable dropper subjects ranging outside the cage.

The bread is a favorite food of rabbits and while it is not advisable for very fattening them, they can offer no problems, but always in small quantities.
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