sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Dogs and children newly born

The arrival of a baby in house is a beautiful time, but if we have a pet and do not follow guidelines appropriate to the arrival of a new Member to the family, can become a very complicated situation.

Dogs can react to the arrival of a baby in many different ways (aggressiveness, loss of appetite, depression,...), but it is normal to feel a bit of curiosity at first and then begin to ignore the new Member

Here are some guidelines to follow with your dog before the arrival of a newborn baby home:

Until the child reaches newborn:

· It is essential that the dog has established a relationship with their owners, that they are the leaders, because if not hard to accept the baby. If this is not so you should receive a course.

· Make sure that your dog is healthy, housetrained and has all the appropriate vaccines.

· You must train key orders, and make sure that you understand them for several months before the birth of your baby: "stop that" "down" and "still".

· It should occasionally awhile in the baby's room to let you you nose it and get used to the new furniture, always under supervision.

· Until the baby is born there to get accustomed to the dog to their new schedules of departures, exercise (if it is expected that they are going to change, we must always try to change as little as possible) and to the new restrictions, for example not entering the baby's room, not approaching the Park, eat somewhere else...

· You can take the days that mother spends in the hospital to bring him the dog blankets, clothing, or impregnated with the smell of baby diapers.

· Even you can put recordings of cries or screams of babies so go adapting to new sounds.

· Teach the difference between toys and the baby. This difference is primarily due to its distinct location.

The arrival home. Best regards:

· When the baby home, we will have to put the strap and greet him outside, since in this environment is that less anxious and effusive greetings.

· The mother should greet the dog but not the baby, since our mascot can be somewhat nervous after several days without seeing his mistress.

· We can leave it to nose the baby's feet and is quiet.

· Most dogs will show something of interest and curiosity for the baby, but then ignored it.

With the baby in the House:

· We will never stop the baby alone with the dog, by quiet as this may seem, they have instincts and are not predictable.

· Make sure that your dog receives the attention and exercise required.

· You do not inhibit him entering the room of the baby in a restrictive way, leave that occasionally between nose and adapts to it.

· Pay attention when the baby, if you do only when the baby is not can get jealous.

· We must not let that dog lama the baby in the first months, since their immune system is not yet strong enough.

· If the reactions of your pet are not adequate notify your veterinarian.
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