domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Diseases of canaries

Below I list some of the most common diseases that may be our Canaries:

Cost to the Canarian close the fingers on hangers, because of the pain that will suffer in the joints. How in being human malaria is caused by deposition of uric acid normally due to a poor diet. In the Canaries can appear provide feed and pastes with high protein content as Paxton's egg. We supply our Canary a diet rich in vegetables.

Eye problems
If the Canary is a room with air currents or high levels of cooking or tobacco smoke, dust,... may suffer eye problems. The Canary will be Gummy and watery eyes. We will have to put the Canary in rooms free of these problems and protected from air currents


We will notice this disease if the Canary Lee is too hard and very dark. We will have to give a meal balanced with a good supply of vegetables.


The coccidosis is a highly contagious fatal disease of a few Canaries to others, which spreads quickly through water and food from feeders. The Canary drooled for the peak, it will not eat and will very quickly lose the weight. Lee is white, accompanied on occasions of blood. For when notice the first symptoms of the disease, the life expectancy of the Canary will be 5-6 days. We can take it to the vet to be medicated with sulfonamide, although the mortality rate is 80%.

The main thing is to turn it quickly from other Canaries and disinfect the cage and feeders so that more birds were not infected.

Avian colibacillosis
It is a disease caused by the e. Coli bacteria. Transmission is usually by ingestion of food or liquid badly or contaminated with the bacteria. Once there is contagion bacterium is spread by handling sick Canary, drinkers and feeders and Lee.

The symptoms are Canaries with lethargy, diarrhea liquid, lack of appetite, scrambled plumage,... disease tends to produce death in a few days. Cages complete hygiene is very important and spread rapidly to the affected Canaries.

False dumb

Canary mude off-season plumage can occur for several reasons: the Canary Islands this stressed by something (attacks of cats, continuous noises, children that will not let it quiet...). Also usually occurs by a poor diet that does not provide you the necessary nutrients.

The Canaries must be in quiet places where don't bother them too much. Your diet should be varied. If we see that the problem persists we can supply you with vitamin complexes for birds.

Red mites

This is an external parasite very common among the Canaries. We will notice that our Canary feels uncomfortable and trying to scratch continuously between the feathers with their beaks. It is usually due to poor hygiene of the cage, so please take extra cleaning and regularly disinfect the cage and all its elements. The mite problem is solved quickly with specific sprays that exist for this type of parasites in birds.


This respiratory disease is usually given by the Canaries are exposed to air currents cold or to sudden temperature changes. The Canary can breathe with open beak and mucus in the respiratory tract at the peak to show. We must place the cage of the Canary in places without draughts protected from low temperatures. We provide antibiotic for Canaries.

Scabies usually appear in the legs and around the peak in the form of white crusts. To avoid this we will remove this layer softening it with warm water and Vaseline to subsequently apply an ointment to eliminate scabies.


This gastric disease symptoms will be abundant diarrhoea where Lee of the Canary will be liquid or very soft. It may be fatal. Salmonellosis can transmit other animals such as rats and pigeons and even humans can get. It is normally treated with antibiotics

Intestinal parasites

Our Canary will play tired, sad and lose some weight even if you eat normally. We will have to analyze the feces if we see remnants of these parasites in the form of small white spots. The problem is solved by providing a drug that eliminates these parasites to the Canary Islands.
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