lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Diseases of parakeets

If we see that our parakeet changes of behavior and soon it is apathetic, does not eat normally, not PIA as before, find it difficult to breathe, inflates the plumage or has trouble being subject in hangers, surely will be the victim of some kind of disease.

In the following guide will give you the information needed to try to identify which may be the problem of our parakeet. In any case, we always recommend to go to a vet who will be who can better treat and diagnose disease.

Diseases of budgerigars

Common cold
It normally occurs by having the parakeet exposed to air currents or sudden changes in temperature. The sick parakeet will be apathetic and pujadas feathers. It will keep still long and you will notice that your breathing is very deep. We have to protect them from the cold and place the cage in a place of the House where the temperature is stable. We have always available fresh water and feed quality. We will offer you panizo and fruits and vegetables that more you like to incite your appetite and you eat. It is advisable to provide some parakeets special vitamin supplement.

Scabies in parakeets
Scabies in parakeets usually manifest in the form of crusts in the peak, around the eyes and legs. It is a contagious disease, so we have to isolate the parakeets at the first sign of scabies.
Special for this type of scabies in birds ointments exist as the Tabernil ointment. Ointments are mite and regenerating of the very effective skin for this disease. There are also other treatments in the form of droplets and sprays that end with acaramos them of the scabies efficiently.

Chronic disease of the parakeet from difficult to cure but little mortality. We will notice that our parakeet you struggle to breathe more than others, but still eating and acting normal. Avoid changes in temperature and air currents to avoid aggravating the problem. Parakeets that suffer this disease must avoid stress and surprises, so take special care in the handling of the cage.

Buche catarrh
You are normally given to give the parakeet vegetables or foods with toxins (so it is always important to wash everything before giving it) or by some other stomach problem. The budgerigar present bloated crop, one show listless and without appetite, will have the eyes half closed. It may also have peak stained remains of food that has vomited and Lee will be watery. The toll for this problem tends to be high and we can only hope that the problem is not very serious and the parakeet to exceed them.
To avoid it we must give to our always food parakeet and quality beans, keep the hygiene of feeders and waterers, and thoroughly cleaned vegetables and fruits that we give them.

The parakeet who suffers from this disease will suffer it since it is young. We will see our parakeet move and flutter without sense in specific moments, sitting suddenly immobilized at the bottom of the cage with mobility problems. It is a congenital disease without cure.


Inflammation of the bronchi and mucous in the respiratory system. It can be caused by dust of quicklime, irritant gases, germs... The affected parakeets breathe with difficulty opening the peak, are apathetic with your eyes closed and not eat. It has high mortality.

Fractures of extremities
They are usually produced by blows with the bars of cages or poor management. It is very likely that the parakeet is lame or have problems when flying in the future if the bones not welded, although this type of fractures are not usually a problem for the life of the animal.

The parakeets are very sociable birds that need their peers to live happy, for that always tend to breed in pairs. If a parakeet it has always lived with and your partner dies you, maybe soon it may seem that it is sick, but the only thing that happens is that it feels only. We have to give him a companion

They lose the joy, cease to sing and remain in the jumpers with the ruffled feathers, are with his eyes closed and his breathing is accelerated. It takes very little to die. It will isolate them, cleaning them cage daily, will renew the water two or three times a day, missing you 2 to 5 grams of ferrous sulphate per litre.

Pome in parakeets
It is a small tumor that goes to the birds under the tongue, which prevents them from eating. We will recognize it if our parakeet eat and maintains peak ajar all the time. Is it solved by removing a small skin bulking them under the tongue. It can be done with a clamp or a sanitized pin and carefully remove it ourselves, but we recommend to go to the vet. The healing of the parakeet is almost instantaneous feeling that already you don't mind him nothing to eat.

Lice of parakeets
There are a few very annoying parasites that attach below the plumage. See it quickly by the parakeet will play very restless and will be constantly pecking between plumage trying to "scratch". There are insecticides for special birds for this type of parasites that finished with the problem. We must maximise the hygiene of the cage. It is recommended to move to the parakeet to a new cage to clean the old conscience.

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