martes, 18 de junio de 2013

Canario male and female differences

Distinguish the differences between a Canary male and female can be difficult for someone who is accustomed to the breeding of this bird. There are several ways to tell the sex of a Canary that I detail below:

-Visual inspection. The most common way of differentiating the Canaries is the area of the cloaca, placing them gently upside down and blow you away the plumage or wet it a bit. This method has its flaws when the Canaries are not yet sexually mature.

The male Canary we can see a small bump. This can be seen better in the mating season where you can differentiate more easily:


In the female Canary belly has pear-shaped smoother, where no extrusion does not appear:


-Canto. Male Canaries are the typical melodious song of this bird. They sang within their cages to woo females, while they are almost exclusively limited to IRAP. To promote the song we must separate to the Canaries in individual cages and see their behavior.

-Morphology. The male Canary is usually large and slightly more slender than females. In some types of Canaries also differ to males having the plumage more showy than the females. This method to distinguish between males and females is not very reliable, but an expert in breeding of Canaries can distinguish the differences at a glance.
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