viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

The betta fish care

The betta, also known as fighter fish, fish is native to Asia. It measures between 6 to 10 inches. We can find them in various colors: white, blue or orange.

To avoid fights between them, it is suitable to raise them alone or in couple and never in group, and do not have in the same Aquarium several males, since they are very territorial and not put to death among them. Even if we see a male attacking the female rejecting it, we will have to separate immediately.

Usually live in sloughs and ponds with low oxygenation.

Size of the Aquarium
The betta fish is adacta very well to live in small aquariums, but the ideal is one of at least 10 litres. For breeding, it is sufficient for one of 30 litres. The depth of the water should not exceed 15-20 cm.

Water temperature
The optimum temperature for the betta fish is between 25 ° to 30 ° C.

Filtration and aeration of the water should be soft, to create little current. If this cannot be achieved it is best to be null and void.

The water changes
If you opt for no air or water there should be frequent changes of the same. The changes of water must be partial, not total, taking into account that the water temperature must be the same one who had. Bigger size of the most common fish must be of the same changes.
-In aquariums of 10 l changes must be every third day, 30% to 50% of the water.
-From 20 to 40 l without filter, a 30% weekly change.
-With sponge filter every 15 days
-With minimum flow waterfall filter once a month.

The Ph should be between 6´8 and 7.

It is a carnivorous fish, therefore must be fed with live food, such as larvae of mosquito, small worms, worms, water fleas, worms "tubifex" living, small invertebrates... tend to reject the typical meal of fish flakes.
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